Chengelo Elite Athletics Squad

Chengelo Elite Athletics Squad

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Food for athletes!

Food is an essential part of an athletes' life: with all the training acquiring a lot of energy, as well as the need to maintain good health. Therefore, we really need to watch what we eat.

Carbohydrates are the most important energy sources; they fuel our muscles very quickly, they're also stored in the body for later use - this means they are long-term energy providers. For these reasons, it is important to eat plenty carbohydrates everyday. It is even more important and necessary to eat a lot of carbs the night before a competition.

However, it is best to eat something healthy and sweet the morning of the event. This is because sugar will give you short-term energy, supplying the fuel you need much quicker but not for a long period of time. A good choice would be fruits or yogurt. An example of a fruit containing high-amounts of energy is the Peach Palm. Examples of carbohydrates include: BREAD, RICE, POTATOES, PASTA and BREAK-FAST CEREALS ( whole grain is much healthier).

Keeping a balanced diet provides your body with the right amounts of all the food groups. Proteins do not really provide a major amount of energy, but they are needed in the body forthe making of tissues such as muscle, haemoglobin in the blood, hormones and enzymes.

Haemoglobin is found in the red blood cells, and is used to transfer oxygen around the body. This is important for athletes because our muscles need oxygen to work, and because we use them more than ordinary people, we need more oxygen to keep our muscles going. Although, too much protein is not good, for the excess protein will be broken down and stored as fat. Foods containing protein include: MEAT, FISH, CHICKEN, EGGS, CHEESE, MILK (from animals), LEGUMES, BEANS, LENTILS and PEAS (from plants).

By the way, eating large quantities of protein-containing foods will not help build huge muscles; to do this, you need normal amounts of proteins as well as a high-carbohydrate diet and the right amount and type of training.

By Johanna Bangala

Thursday 11 December 2014

CEAS to tour UK in August 2015!

Chengelo Elite Athletics Squad to make trip to UK in August 2015.

The Chengelo Elite Athletics Squad have been given the go-ahead for their once-in-a-lifetime Sports and Cultural Trip to the UK in August 2015. Plans are progressing and exciting events are being arranged for the squad.

5th August - Woking A.C. Open Meeting

The athletes have been kindly invited to Sheerwater Track for the Woking Athletic Club Open Meeting for their first taste of competition in the UK. This meeting will be a good opportunity for the squad to settle at the beginning of their trip.

10th August - Blackheath and Bromley Open Meeting

The squad will head to Norman Park Track for the Blackheath and Bromley Open Meeting 5 days later. These first two meetings will be a good chance for the athletes to test themselves before some bigger competitions.

12th August and 26th August - Watford Open Meeting

All of the athletes will be looking to record personal bests at the Watford Open Graded Meeting. Competitions take place every other Wednesday during the summer and athletes are placed in ability groups, helping them to run in very competitive races. The electronic timings and photo finish will be a first for the athletes too!

15th - 16th August - SEAA u15 and u17 Championships

Crystal Palace will be the venue for the South of England Athletics Association under-15 and under-17 Championships. The squad will take part as foreign athletes on a track on which Usain Bolt has demonstrated his talent in the past. This should prove to be one of the more challenging competitions in which the athletes will participate.

19th August - Lee Valley Sprints

Lee Valley Sprints happen every other Wednesday, and as Watford Open Meetings and Lee Valley Sprints take place on alternate weeks, Lee Valley Leisure Complex will be the venue for this meeting. The squad can look forward to some stiff competition on this track.

Trip to London

London is full of opportunity and the squad will definitely spend some time in the capital city. Buckingham Palace, London Eye, Big Ben and London Museums will be on the must-see list of the squad. This will be an excellent experience and a way for the squad to relax on a rest day!

St Mary's Stadium

The home of Southampton Football Club will hopefully be the venue for a special day out for the squad. August will be full of pre-season friendlies and some league matches, so what better time to visit the beautiful St Mary's Stadium!

European Hockey Championships

The Sports and Cultural Trip will coincide with the European Hockey Championships so the squad should have the chance to watch some top level hockey action. As hockey is a popular sport at Chengelo, the athletes will surely enjoy this experience.

Hillsong, London

A visit to the world-famous Hillsong Church in London is a must and will be a special experience for the squad. Hopefully, on other Sundays, they can visit a variety of churches and enjoy fellowship with many other believers.

Loughborough University

The older members of the squad will be planning their further education for when they leave Chengelo, so a visit to Loughborough University and its world-class sports facilities will be vital. The university offers tours and workshops that will surely help the athletes in their athletic development.

If you think you could help the squad in any way, please contact me. We are looking for help with transport especially. Thank you.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

 Mr Jamie Dickson: My experience with the 
Chengelo Elite Athletics Squad

It’s nearly four months now since I left Chengelo and it feels even further away than the five thousand miles it actually is! When I tell people about my time there one of the things I’m always excited to share is what’s happening with the Elite Athletics Squad. It’s a group with serious potential and it was amazing to see how far they came on even in the seven months I spent with them. This blog will be my attempt at summing up my experience with each of the athletes.

The oldest member of the squad, Chigo is definitely also the most mature. He was new to Chengelo at the same time as me, the only difference was everyone already knew he was: the guy from Amano with the ISAZ record! However, Chigo is much more than just a quick runner. He’s a hard working, modest, outgoing, kind man after God’s own heart. Within very little time at Chengelo he was known and liked by everybody - staff and pupils. It’s this attitude that makes Chigo such a good athlete. His willingness to constantly work hard and learn from others never failed to impress me. If Chigo stays humble and continues to strive for success, the world is truly his oyster.

As the youngest member of the squad, Johanna was always the athlete whose dedication to training hard impressed me most. To be so focused on developing her talent at the age of twelve is something I’ve never seen before, and that’s what makes me think she’ll go on to do great things. Although she is very young, Johanna shows incredible maturity both on and off the track. On top of training she studies very hard, relates well to others and stays humble despite achieving so much. If I had national schools records when I was that age I wouldn’t have been half as modest as she is! It’s very important, however, that Johanna keeps doing what she’s doing. Lots of young athletes burn out as they grow older and the only way to stop that from happening is to keep working hard and stay focused, even when the times aren’t getting any quicker.

Maria is another incredible young talent. She trains very hard, always has a smile on her face and I think if it weren’t for her struggling with injuries this year she would have achieved just as much as her sister did. Either way, there are many years to come and a lot more races to be won! From both coaching Maria as part of the squad and teaching her in PE, I know that she’s very hard working and will go on to achieve big things. The relationship that Maria and Johanna have is great to see as they constantly challenge, encourage and motivate each other. It’s great for them both to have that competition that they wouldn’t be getting from anyone else. One of my lasting memories of the squad was watching the two of them take part in the Queen of the Sprints race in my last week at Chengelo. In this race I saw that Maria had come through her problems with injury and was back on form, outpacing her younger sister on this occasion!

When I tell people in the UK about the talent at Chengelo I’m always quick to mention the sixteen year old that can run sub-eleven for the one hundred metres! Kiki is an amazing talent and it was fantastic to be able to coach him while I was there. I can honestly say he’s the fastest person I’ve ever met and, having ran and played rugby both with and against him, I’ve been astounded by that pace plenty of times. The only issue is that he knows this! It can be difficult to make someone train when they think of themselves as the “Young Bolt”. That said, I did notice Kiki mature a lot even in the short time I was at Chengelo. Racing at big events with the Zambian Athletics Association helps to serve as a reminder that he can always be faster and, if he wants to achieve all that he could, he’s always going to have to train hard. Some of the best training performances I saw from any of the athletes were from Kikwanza when he had his head in the right place and if he can train like that regularly I see no reason why he couldn’t compete at the highest level one day.

Never in my life have I met anyone with as varied sporting abilities as Herbert. Volleyball, rugby, football, sprinting, long distance, javelin, hockey, basketball: the list goes on and on. In everything he did he seemed to excel. The thing that impresses me most about Herbert, though, is his long distance running. Having trained fairly hard for this year's Rockridge race I thought I’d do pretty well but watching Herbert disappear off in front of me on the opening straight put me well and truly in my place. The only struggle I can see Herbert having with sport is that he’ll have too much choice. It’s difficult to train hard with Athletics when there are about five other teams asking you to train at the same time! Whatever it is Herbert sets his mind to, I’m sure he will continue to impress!

Just writing this has served as a reminder of how much I miss Chengelo and particularly the Athletics Squad. I pray that they continue to achieve big things but above all that they would do all of this in The Lord’s name. He has blessed them with these skills and they are a real testimony to His power. Love to everyone at Chengelo and I look forward to the possibility of seeing some of you in the UK some time soon!

Mr Jamie Dickson