Chengelo Elite Athletics Squad

Chengelo Elite Athletics Squad

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Chengelo Elite Athletics Squad share their expectations for upcoming UK trip.

 CEAS share their expectations for upcoming trip.

As the Chengelo Elite Athletics Squad prepare to travel to the UK for their Sports and Cultural Trip in August, they have been thinking about what their expectations are for the trip. The trip will certainly be a new experience for them and they will not know exactly what to expect. However, they have opened up and shared their personal opinions.

Chigomezyo Kawonga

"Going to England is something I am deeply privileged to have the opportunity of doing. I am looking forward to running there and getting faster and better times.

However, before then there is a lot of hard work to do. I look forward to the trip and seeing new places and meeting new people will be exciting!"

Chigomezyo going through his warm-up routine before another tough session.

Chigo has had to allocate time to training as well as Head Boy duties this year.

Chigo, an 800m runner, often runs long distances in his training to improve endurance.

Johanna Bangala

"I certainly know and believe that this will be an amazing opportunity to compete with other young, up-and-coming athletes like myself. It will definitely be very different from competing here in Zambia due to the superior facilities and the change in climate.

Being a cultural trip, it will be fun and interesting to learn more about the UK and to be able to compare the two places. I am looking forward to it, especially being able to give my best and seeing where that will take me!"

The Bangala sisters have been working on speed endurance in their training this year.

Johanna stretching before another hard session on the Chengelo track.

The Bangala sisters enjoying a more relaxed moment during training!

The girls' focus is what has helped them to make great improvements in athletics.

Maria Bangala

"What I’m expecting and hoping for during the trip is to improve my personal best times in athletics. I want to get fitter, stronger and gain some experience. I hope I will learn to be brave and to be able to calm my nerves at the beginning of important races.

On the geographic side of things, I’m apprehensive about the weather, although Mr Gibbons has told us it won’t be too cold in August. However, I am used to the warmer climate so we will see how different it will be.

We will have to get used to the accents we will come across and the way people do things differently in the UK. The food may also be different from what we are used to but I’m looking forward to learning about a different culture.

It will be the longest I’ve stayed in a different country and I hope I’ll be able to cope with that. However, my sister will be with me so I’m sure we will both be fine."

Maria will celebrate her 16th birthday during the UK Sports and Cultural Trip in August!