Chengelo Elite Athletics Squad

Chengelo Elite Athletics Squad

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Chengelo Elite Athletics Squad tell all about their favourite athletes.

 Everyone has a favourite athlete... Who are CEAS's favourites?

 Maria Bangala:

Being an athlete is not easy but if you push hard (or should I say train hard) you will get there and achieve your goals. The three people who inspire me and amaze me are Usain Bolt, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce and Allyson Felix, they worked hard to get where they are today. I also want to work hard so that I can achieve my goals.

Allyson Felix praying after a race.

Johanna Bangala:

Many of the great athletes of this world have made an impact and also inspired my ambitions and goals. I would say that the 3 athletes I look up to would be Usain Bolt, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce and Allyson Felix. This is because they worked hard to get where they are today. It took endurance and determination for them to achieve what they have achieved in life. This inspires me because I know that if I want to become the star I dream of becoming, it will take hard work, determination as well as the WILL, PASSION and LOVE of it!

Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce celebrates winning gold for Jamaica.

Kikwanza Sondashi:

Usain Bolt has inspired me a lot because he works hard, he puts flavour into everything he does and he makes athletics look so easy. I would love to be like him one day, but if I am to be like him, I need to train hard, listen to my coach and give 100% at all times. I have really learned a lot from Usain Bolt. I have learned that I need to know how to lose before I know how to win, and if I want to be the best, I need to train harder than the rest.

 Usain Bolt carrying the relay baton for Jamaica.

Chigomezyo Kawonga:

I have admired many athletes, but none as much as David Rudisha, the current 800m world record holder. One of the reasons that I have come to admire him is due to his amazing technique. He makes running look so fun and enjoyable! He is so relaxed and so focused from beginning to end. I really appreciate his “running” ethic. He is not pompous or a show off when he wins but he is humble and he does not gloat about his achievements. He really inspires me to work hard. Every time I have the opportunity to see him run, I am amazed at the way that he always looks forward, and rarely ever backward, but he is focused on the finish line and winning the race.

I had the privilege of meeting him, and I was awestruck by his amazing personality as an individual. He was humble and very patient to hear my story and athletics history.  I felt that he was just like me and not some kind of person from another planet. He told me one very important thing and that was that, “when you run you should run for the fun of it, and with passion because you love it, and not for the money or the fame”. He told me that everyone can not be the fastest, but everyone can give their all when they run, not for the money or the fame, but for the love of the track. 

He has really motivated me to give my all on the track and he has given me a confidence boost for the next National Championship. Sub 2:00min here I come!!!!

Chigo meeting his hero, David Rudisha, in Amsterdam this year.

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